Week Eight-Eight: A New Transfer Begins [April 1, 2019]
Hi Everyone!
It's been quite the week! Monday night was pretty much Elder NeSmith saying goodbye to Dizi and Jason. Dizi's farewell was perhaps the saddest thing I've ever seen (the sisters who were there are in agreement). After that he said goodbye to Jason and we got a picture with him and his family.
Tuesday I said goodbye to Elder NeSmith and hello to Elder Pack! We came out in the same group and graduated the same year which makes him the closest companion to my age! When we got back to the apartments he had to do some laundry and we met a lady named Shela in the laundry room who we talked with for over an hour! Apparently she's had a lot of run ins with missionaries in the past and they've helped her a lot! We also talked with a guy named David for a while and he was open to us coming back!
Wednesday we talked for a while with some workers who were filling a big hole in the ground. It was pretty deep when we started talking to them and by the time we left it was almost filled back up so it must have been a long conversation! Also on Thursday we had our most focused lesson we've ever had with Bob! We won't be meeting with him this next week, but we're still good for the following week.
We had our first district council this last Friday so we had fun getting to know everyone in the new Camarillo district! Also that evening we had a lesson with Jason (Woolsey) where we went over tithing and fast offerings.
Saturday was pretty eventful! In the morning we did a service project painting a house for someone who some of the other elders are trying to work with. Later on when that was done we went to have a lesson with Michaela, but she dropped us when we showed up
. We also had a lesson with Dizi, but her daughter and son-in-law showed up so we decided we would continue the lesson after church on Sunday (which we did). On Sunday we had a nice conversation with a potential named Ignacio. However his wife was not as nice as he was and didn't want him talking to us. To finish of the evening we went by a member (who's name is also Jason) and had a pretty good lesson with him and his daughter.
That about wraps up this week! With going to the temple tomorrow and General Conference this week, I'm sure that this week will be great!
Have a good one!
Elder Jason RIches
Us, Dizi, and the Sisters
Us and the Woolsey family
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