Week Fifty-three: A Year, Already? [July 30, 2018]
Hi Everyone!
I hit my year mark this last Thursday (July 26) It's crazy how fast the time has gone. It doesn't feel like I've been out a year. I don't think the feeling has really set in just yet. Anyway on with my week.
Things have been picking up in this area. We were able to teach Debbie, who was previously being taught, the plan of salvation. It sounds like her husband was the one that missionaries talked with most, but he works out of town so she has a bit more of a chance to investigate herself.
We taught someone named Crystal the restoration...mostly. As we were about to share the promise of the Book of Mormon and commit her to read it some people from the house said that they needed her help with something so we didn't get to finish
. We also met with someone named Mayra and shared the plan of salvation with her.
Thursday (my year mark) We had our interviews with President and he told me that I've come a long way over the year (which I don't see as much). We celebrated my year mark with the zone leaders by going to Subway for lunch.
When we were going by some people on our list we met Hans Anderson, who let us in his house and we were able to talk to him for a bit. He seems like he could have a good amount of potential since he's already read the Book of Mormon and doesn't know how it could have come forth by any other means except by God. He also explained why he believes people from the middle east came to America a long time ago (interesting stuff). He did explain why he wouldn't join the church (for example he said he would have to change his name to Jack. I'll let you figure it out).
When we were going by someone else yesterday we talked to a guy named Paul. He said he usually hides from us, but this time he decided to talk. We shared some of our beliefs with him and he said that he's actually curious to know more now!
That's basically my week. Things are starting to pick up here and I think good things are on the horizon!
Have a fantastic week as always!
Elder Jason Riches
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