Week Forty-seven: Bible Study [June 18, 2018]
Hi Everyone!
This week was pretty different. We didn't meet with some of the usual people like Judy or Jeff and Heidi but it was still good.
We had our third lesson with Fred on the gospel of Jesus Christ. At the end we talked a bit about baptism and he told us he knows what he needs to do to get to that point and he's very willing. The only hold-up with him right now is that he's really busy with work and it conflicts with coming to church. Keep him in your prayers that he'll be able to find a way to come.
Our new investigator Karen invited us to come to her Bible study with some of her friends. Usually these are a bad idea when you're a missionary, because people try to Bible bash with you a lot. We prayed a lot about whether or not we should go and We ultimately came to the conclusion that we should. The people there were pretty nice; however, the pastor who was leading the discussion seemed to be dropping a few things that he wanted us to argue on (the Bible is it, don't rely on the works of men, etc), but we mostly kept silent. Karen actually gave him more trouble than we did. At one point he was talking about how when we die we go either directly to heaven or hell and she asked "I thought there was some sort of waiting period where we would go until the resurrection."
Also when we were talking about if baptism was necessary he said no and we shared John 3:5. One of the people there said how she used to think baptism wasn't necessary, but now she's not sure. We were invited back and we'll probably go. I'm sure the pastor will come with some ammo so we'll have to be careful.
Some other cool things happened. We had some people call us over and wanted us to share a scripture from "our Bible" with them and pray with them and one of them really wanted us to come back.
There's also a potential named Andy who we've talked with a few times. At the end of our last talk with him we asked if we could set up a teaching appointment and he said he enjoyed our talks and would be looking forward to it! We also helped some members move two pianos!
As always things are looking up for this area and I'm excited to see where everything goes.
I hope everyone has a fantastic week
Until Next time,
Elder Jason Riches
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