Week 32: Things are Picking Up! [March 5, 2018]
Hi Everyone!
Things are starting to pick up in the Templeton ward. Here are a few highlights from this week.
We met with a less active named Mel Stokes. He was super nice and actually gave us a referal! (They weren't interested though). He said that his time for coming back to church is probably soon.
We picked up a new investigator named Sandra this week. She has met with missionaries in the past and seems really open to meeting with us again. We have an appointment tonight with her so pray that it will go well. She also has a son who could possibly be at baptisim age, but we're not sure.
I was able to finish the Book of Mormon for the second time Tuesday. I've decided that this next time around I want to dive in deeper and get the most out of my studies. This I've started by going through Jacob 5 trying to understand it better. It's been really cool and I've actually learned a lot from it!
We had a really good lesson with Josh! We taught the plan of salvation and he agrees with us that the fall of Adam and Eve was not a negative thing, but a positive step forward. He's also been reading in the Book of Mormon and he really liked the scripture in Alma 36:3 which says, "And now, O my son Helaman, behold, thou art in thy youth, and therefore, I beseech of thee that thou wilt hear my words and learn of me; for I do know that whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day." We're both very exited for how receptive he is.
We ended up not having service with Cowboy on Thursday because of rain, but on Friday we did help him put parts of his tent shed back up since they had blown off.
Interviews were on Friday. They were good, but President started asking me how I felt about being senior companion which is a little scary
Aside from all that we've still done the usual stuff, going by people and trying to find more.
I hope you all enjoy your week! Until then,
Elder Jason Riches
Oh Elder Riches, you are so ready and qualified to be a senior companion. I am so grateful to be a part of your mission experiences. You remain in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteHazel Rimmasch