Week 28: One Sick Week [February 5, 2018]
Hi Everyone,
Monday was my last day in Santa Barbara, so Elder Richards and I were working to get everything done and see everyone we wanted to say goodbye to before we left. Our bishop took us out to the harbor for lunch and then took us to his house in Monticito for a picture. On the way we got our first look at what the mudslide did, and what we saw was not even close to the worst part of it. We also said goodbye to Art, our 92 year old recent convert. It was a little emotional saying goodbye to him because we both got pretty close to him. We also met with one of the other Elders' less-actives who we were sort of acquainted with.
Tuesday we had transfers and I said good bye to Elder Richards, as well as Elder Goodman and Smith who I've gotten pretty close to. I like Elder Baker though. We get along pretty well (we're both pretty geeky).
Wednesday we did service for Cowboy Larry (a member of our ward). We helped him move a large rock and work in his garden.
Thursday was slow. We tried by a some potentials and did our weekly planning.
Friday was rough. Before district meeting I started getting a stomach ache. I called the mission nurse and we had to end up staying inside the rest of the day
Saturday I felt better, but we still stayed in the first part of the day to make sure I was okay. We went and visited with one of the member families.
Sunday we had another problem. We're not sure what caused it but Elder Baker broke out in hives and was miserable the whole day. After our dinner it was so bad that we didn't go back out.
Hopefully this next week can be more eventful, that is if we don't get sick again. Hope you all have a great week.
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