Week 17: Bike Problems [November 20, 2017]
Hi everyone!
This week has been another really good week. On Tuesday we had a walking day, which meant we weren't supposed to use any vehicles (cars, bikes, etc.) until 5:00. It ended up being pretty effective. We gave out a Book of Mormon to a guy waiting for a bus ride and we had a lesson with a investigator named Sam that went quite well.
On Wednesday we had a less active take us out to lunch and we were able to share a message about hope with him that he really liked. My bike chain also broke that night, so we had to take it back to the apartment and walk the rest of the night.
Thursday when I took my bike out to get it fixed I found that the tire was flatter than flat so I had to get a new chain, and a new inner tube. When we got back we found that some of the Elders found a beat up, dirty, toddler car and dropped it off on our doorstep. We also had a lesson with an investigator named Olivia. Near the end she was asking us what kinds of things she would have to do to get baptized! It seems like something she may be considering.
Friday we got to have interviews with our mission president. I also got my smartphone! I'll actually be able to use it a week from tomorrow!
Saturday and Sunday were pretty basic. We tried to go around and talk to people and we were able to get to know some of the people we want to work with a little better. I also found out that my bike is apparently a girls bike 
That sums up my week. Have a happy Thanksgiving!
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